Treatment > Warm Sculpting

Slim and Tone with SculpSure®

Achieve Your Ideal Body Shape Naturally with SculpSure 

Despite regular exercise and a healthy diet, your body keeps accumulating fat. As a result, clothes become tight and you also have complexes about your appearance. You may have tried out a number of fat reduction creams, fancy diets and even toyed with the idea of undergoing liposuction. Now, you can opt for SculpSure, a fat disruption technology that is non-invasive, has been clinically tested and found safe and effective.

A laser-based technology, SculpSure is a body contouring treatment that has received FDA clearances. Using a safe medical laser, SculpSure destroys unwanted fat cells in just 25 minutes per treatment. SculpSure does not affect surrounding tissues or fat cells. It can also be applied simultaneously in as many as four areas of the body. It is known to result in fat reduction by as much as 25% in one treatment session

How does Body Sculpting work with SculpSure®?

Approved by the FDA in 2015, SculpSure uses laser technology to destroy fat cells by disrupting adipose tissue. This non-invasive treatment is designed to reduce stubborn fat in various areas of the body.

The 1060nm wavelength’s specific affinity for adipose tissue, coupled with minimal absorption in the dermis, allows SculpSure to efficiently treat areas of troublesome fat in just 25 minutes per treatment. SculpSure applicators can also target multiple parts of the body simultaneously, removing up to 25%* of fat per treatment.

Over time, the body naturally eliminates the disrupted fat cells with results seen as quickly as 6 weeks and optimal results usually seen in as few as 12 weeks.


How does SculpSure® work?

During the treatment, a laser at a specific wavelength targets adipose tissue or fat. To eliminate stubborn pockets of fat, SculpSure uses lasers producing heat energy at a wavelength of 1060nm. During the 25-minute treatment, the targeted fat cells' temperature rises between 42 and 47 degrees Celsius, while the cooling plates cool the skin simultaneously.


Treatment Areas | SculpSure® 

During the treatment, a laser at a specific wavelength targets adipose tissue or fat. To eliminate stubborn pockets of fat, SculpSure uses lasers producing heat energy at a wavelength of 1060nm.

During the 25-minute treatment, the targeted fat cells' temperature rises between 42 and 47 degrees Celsius, while the cooling plates cool the skin simultaneously.

  • Abdomen
  • Inner and Outer Thighs
  • Bra and Back Fat
  • Underneath the Buttocks (Banana Roll)
  • Men Chest (Gynecomastia)
  • Flanks
  • Saddlebags
  • Arms
  • Double Chin (Submental Area) : slimmer appearance of the chin and neck.
  • Knees
  • Calves
  • Cellulite

Other Benefits

  • Improve skin elasticity
  • Reduce the appearance of stretchmarks
  • Reduce the appearance and the texture appearance of cellulite
  • Reduce bulging problem areas

Which Treatment is Suitable for me?

Since every person is different in terms of their physical proportions, genetic makeup, lifestyle, dietary habits, treatment suitability can also vary from person to person. Body Sculpting is not a fat reduction procedure that follows the ‘one size fits all’ principle. Research conducted in this area shows that the fat cells are more fragile to therapeutic levels of heat and cold, and are therefore able to be destroyed. Some people have fat cells that are more cold-resistance while the fat cells in others may be heat-resistant.

If you’re looking to make improvements to your body contour without surgery and long recovery periods, SculpSure may be the ideal option for you.

To learn more about SculpSure, contact us to schedule your body assessment. We can’t wait to meet you and help you boost your self-esteem.

The Process


Dr. Kenneth Thean will start by understanding your area of concern and fat reduction goals. After a detailed body assessment completed by our Body Specialist, he will evaluate and assess the suitable treatment plan for you and review what results you can expect from this procedure.

Before Treatment

A detailed body assessment will be conducted by our Body Specialist.

  • 360° 3D Imaging
  • 2D 6-position baseline
  • InBody weight
  • Body fat analysis
  • Tape circumferential measurements
  • Calliper readings

The procedure’s framework will be assessed and marked on the targeted area(s).

During Treatment

The appropriate applicator will be placed onto the area within the planned framework. As the technology only focuses on fat cells, the other tissues will not be affected. Relax and enjoy your treatment in our adjustable bed while streaming your favourite Netflix shows.

After Treatment

A non-invasive shockwave therapy that uses low energy acoustic wave pulsations is applied onto the treated areas to break up the fat cells. This process also helps to enhance circulation and stimulates lymphatic drainage, which increases the elimination of destroyed fat cells.