Treatment > Ultherapy Facelift

Ultherapy Treatment in Singapore

An Inside Look at How the Skin Actually Ages

Anti Aging solution Wrinkles and face lifting

Young skin enjoys a luminous look and feel because its plumped and smooth surface  is much like a mirror surface that light bounces off from. The tautness is the result of youthful skin’s ability to constantly produce collagen - a vital protein that imparts elasticity and bounce to the skin. Collagen also helps replace dead skin cells rapidly.

So how does our skin age? As we age and reach our 30s, the skin’s ability to produce collagen, diminishes, even as we continue to lose residual collagen at the rate of around 1% per year. This means is that there is a slowdown in the skin’s regeneration on the one hand and on the other, there is lower turnover of skin cells.

Other factors that lead to aging of the skin, include exposure to sunlight, lifestyle hazards, and general health conditions. As a result, the skin begins acquiring a tired and dull look in the ’30s. Soon, before we realize it,  by the 40s, and 50s, wrinkles appear on our faces, and the facial contours register a discernible droop. At this point in time, topical skincare products are unable to create any impact as they are ineffective at this stage.

How To Reverse the Aging Process with Ultherapy 

Cost of Ultherapy Facelift in Singapore | Ensoul Medical Clinic

Let’s face the facts - It’s impossible to stop the natural aging process. However, the silver lining is that we can take affirmative actions that effectively slow down the aging process.

Ultherapy, a non-surgical facelift, is an effective option we can consider to slow down the impact of aging on our skin. This high-intensity micro-focused ultrasound technology is a powerful treatment for face lift & skin tightening. 

The goal of Ultherapy aims to stimulate collagen and elastin production beneath the skin. This procedure is ideal for those concerned about sagging and loss of firmness. Ultherapy treatments lead to firmer, even-toned skin, with visible improvements in skin tone on the face and neck areas.

The FDA-approved procedure is also effective on areas like the brow, chin, and neck area, as well as the décolletage, and is supported by scientific evidence gathered from several clinical trials.

How does Ultherapy Work?

Ultherapy harnesses safe ultrasonic heat, and focuses on areas suffering from sagging and wrinkled tissue. It is an innovative technology that systematically raises tissue temperatures to around 65 degrees Celsius - the optimal temperature range for facilitating collagen contraction and denaturation. This helps to encourage new collagen formation - all leading to longer-lasting and more natural looking results.

The heat energy works at different depths affecting three layers: SMAS (Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System), skin and superficial wrinkles. The SMAS layer is commonly known as the foundation layer that raises and supports the skin’s inner tissues. This layer is also where plastic surgeons focus on to achieve the required lift through open surgery.

The benefits of this HIFU technology is that Ultherapy can help to also achieve the same results without cutting or disrupting the skin's surface. It is an effective way to perform non-invasive dermatological sculpting and lift sagging skin on the upper and lower face areas, neck and décolletage.

How long before you see results with Ultherapy treatment? 

In the 2-3 months after the treatment, collagen production increases due to the therapeutic effect of the ultrasonic waves. Collagen production continues to reach its maximum levels during the 3-6-month range after the procedure is done. From here on, noticeable improvements in elasticity and tone of the treated areas are visible to the naked eye. The majority of patients feel thrilled when they wake up one fine day to see their faces look young and glowing again! And then, there are so many others who report being taken by surprise on being suddenly complimented on their ‘brand new looks’.

How Safe Is Ultherapy? 

Ultherapy is considered a very safe and non-invasive procedure. Apart from clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it has also received the safety CE Mark in Europe, and Singapore’s HSA approval. There is ample evidence of Ultherapy®'s safety and efficacy, in the form of multiple clinical studies and more than 1.5 million successful procedures performed across the world.

In addition to its strong safety profile, the non-surgical Ulthera® system used in Ultherapy® procedures allows clinicians to observe the tissue layers being treated. This enables the safe administration of heat energy to specific skin zones for maximum benefits. The system's patented DeepSEE® visualization technology adds an extra level of accuracy and safety to the Ultherapy treatment.

Getting an Ultherapy Facelift in Singapore | Ensoul Medical Clinic

Who is a Suitable Candidate?

To qualify for a face and neck treatment, one has to exhibit skin laxity ranging from mild to moderate levels. Individual results can vary depending on the following factors:

• Skin laxity - presence of excess or loose skin

• Skin volume - depends on fat amount and distribution

• Skin quality - appearance of wrinkles or damage caused by sunlight exposure

• Advancing age, health and lifestyle effects

While Ultherapy procedures give dramatic results, it is pertinent to note that the effects are not permanent. It is worthwhile to repeat the Ultherapy procedure after a year or two, to maintain collagen production. During your treatment and post-treatment review sessions, your treatment specialist will offer you customized advice on the need for repeat Ultherapy procedures, depending upon your skin condition.

What is the difference between Ultherapy vs Korean HIFU?

Dr Chiam explains the different types of HIFU machines and its benefits

Expected Face and Neck Outcomes Post-Treatment

Ultherapy® works by treating tissue and strengthening it from the inside out — a process that unfolds gradually as fresh collagen gets generated in the skin.

While individual results could vary, patients commonly report the following experiences:

1 week post-treatment

  • Marginal lifting, and toning of skin accompanied by plumping of fine lines
  • Slight swelling and tingling/tenderness of skin to the touch
  • Possible signs of minor bruising with numbness of skin

1 month post-treatment

  • Continued skin lifting and toning
  • Skin feels tighter & skin texture is smoother
  • Slight tingling/ tenderness of skin to the touch or numbness

3-6 months post-treatment

  • Further lifting and toning
  • Brow is elevated
  • Reduced sagging of skin
  • Enhance skin texture and contours

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