Pigmentation Removal Singapore

Why Pico Laser Did Not Work For My Melasma?

If you’ve undergone Pico Laser treatment for melasma and didn’t see the desired results, you’re not alone. There are several reasons why this might happen, from the specifics of your skin type to the nature of your melasma. Understanding these factors can help you explore alternative treatments and achieve better outcomes.


5 Myths of Retinoid: Debunked 

It is no secret that topical retinoids like retinol cream offer several benefits making it a popular active ingredient in the skincare and beauty industry. But despite its proven efficacy in stimulating cell turnover, many are unsure of when to use retinoids and how they should use retinoids. We debunk 5 myths about retinoids in this article.  


What is Pico Laser: Your Guide to Pico Laser in Singapore

Pico Laser procedure is one of the most popular treatments for pigmentation removal in Singapore, due to its effectiveness and treatment benefits. But what exactly does a Pico Laser do? What makes Pico Laser stand out from the rest? Is Pico Laser right for you? This article is YOUR guide to everything you need to know about Pico Lasers in Singapore.


Benefits of Vitamin C for Pigmentation

Fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation are some of the skin issues we face due to ageing and sun exposure. Vitamin C is a great ally in our relentless fight against loss of skin quality and vitality. This rich antioxidant is available in different forms, from oral supplements to topical applications. Read on


Understanding Retinoids & Retinol Skin Care

Nothing like vitamin A derivatives to pep up your skin or help it rid acne and scars. If you have used retinoid vs retinol interchangeably, you’re not alone. While they are both two separate things, they may be the same thing. So how do you choose which form of vitamin A for your skin? Here’s the info you will need to make your choices.


What Causes Uneven Skin Tone & How to Treat it Naturally?

Hyperpigmentation can cause an overwhelming sense of despair as it can leave our skin looking uneven and dull. Fortunately, uneven skin tone conditions can be treated and reversed. While non-invasive treatment procedures can help significantly reduce these dark spots in a short time frame, there are several natural ways that you can slow down hyperpigmentation from returning.


5 Reasons Why Your Pigmentation Treatment Does Not Work 

 Skin pigmentation issues can vex you to no end if you don’t know how to go about treatment. Sometimes, even the best of treatments could end up disappointing you because they simply weren’t meant for you! Find out how to avoid the mistakes people make when choosing their pigmentation treatments. Be aware of the right treatment for your skin pigmentation condition. 


What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Skin resurfacing can reverse your skin a couple of years behind and improve your overall complexion through scars lightening, brightening skin tone and reduces the appearances of wrinkles and fine lines.