Looking for an effective cystic acne treatment in Singapore? Let’s dive into the causes of cystic acne and the different types of treatments available.
Acne Cream
5 Myths of Retinoid: Debunked
It is no secret that topical retinoids like retinol cream offer several benefits making it a popular active ingredient in the skincare and beauty industry. But despite its proven efficacy in stimulating cell turnover, many are unsure of when to use retinoids and how they should use retinoids. We debunk 5 myths about retinoids in this article.
Spa Facials vs Medical Grade Facials – What’s the Difference?
Is there a difference between a spa facial and a medical-grade facial? In Singapore, both types of facial treatments seem quite similar, but a medical-grade facial is able to address specific problems and conditions much more effectively.
Hormonal Acne Treatments and Remedies
In our previous article, we discussed the different hormones that contribute to hormonal acne, as well as some of the most common causes. While it is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for hormonal acne, we will cover everything you need to know about all the hormonal acne treatments available in Singapore.
What is Hormonal Acne and Why do I have it?
Hormonal acne is exactly what it sounds like – acne is often tied to fluctuations in your hormones. In fact, hormonal acne is most common in adult women between the ages of 20 and 40. What are the main factors that cause hormonal acne? Find out more.
Pros and Cons of Benzoyl Peroxide – Acne Treatment
Can benzoyl peroxide do it all when it comes to getting rid of acne? While benzoyl peroxide can effectively get rid of bacteria and dead skin cells that clog your pores, it has limitations. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons and when to speak to a doctor regarding your condition.
What Causes Blackheads? How to Remove Them?
Attempting to squeeze them out isn’t actually the best thing for your skin – in fact, they can make your complexion look much worse in the long run. Find everything you need to know about these pesky little blackheads and learn how you can get rid of them efficiently and safely.
Oily Skin: Causes, Effects & Treatments
Having healthy amounts of oil in the skin is good as it protects the skin and prevents premature aging. But what happens when too much sebum is produced and causing oily skin?
Understanding Retinoids & Retinol Skin Care
Nothing like vitamin A derivatives to pep up your skin or help it rid acne and scars. If you have used retinoid vs retinol interchangeably, you’re not alone. While they are both two separate things, they may be the same thing. So how do you choose which form of vitamin A for your skin? Here’s the info you will need to make your choices.