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Fat Removal Treatment for Abdominal or Belly Fat in Singapore

Almost everyone has some belly fat, even the fittest.

Excess weight around the midsection is an issue for some people. For many, some pockets of fat in specific areas of the body can be difficult to get rid of despite exercise and strict diets. An example of such a prominent and most visible area is belly fat.

So many advertisements and commercials claim to offer a magic solution for getting rid of stubborn belly fat, but is this really true?

The Science Behind Belly Fat

Belly fat is not all the same. Subcutaneous fat, which lies just beneath the skin, accounts for the bulge around your waist. Although you may not like the way it looks, it is less dangerous than visceral fat. Visceral fat resides deep in the abdominal area and is associated with diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Visceral fat is metabolically active fat and secretes different hormones than other fat. As it is located next to the portal vein, the main vein where everything that enters our intestines is absorbed, it plays a significant role in metabolism.


What causes abdominal or belly fat?

Fat in the abdomen or the belly fat can be either subcutaneous or visceral1. The subcutaneous fat is accumulated just below your skin whereas visceral fat is the one that surrounds or envelops internal body organs2. Fat in the belly is typically a mixture of both types.

There are many reasons for fat being accumulated in the abdomen. Here are some of the most common causes of belly fat3, 4, 5, 6

1. Poor Diet

Sugary food such as cakes and candy, and drinks such as soda and fruit juice, can:

  • · Cause weight gain
  • · Slow a person’s metabolism
  • · Reduce a person’s ability to burn fat

Weight may also be affected by low-protein and high-carb diets. Without lean protein in their diet, people may eat more food overall because they don't feel full for longer.

Trans fat1, in particular, can cause inflammation and may lead to obesity. Many foods contain trans fats, including fast food and baked goods like muffins and crackers.

The American Heart Association recommends that people replace trans fat with healthy whole-grain foods, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats2.


2. Too Much Alcohol

Excess alcohol consumption can lead to liver disease and inflammation, among other health problems.

Although studies in women have found inconsistent results, it has been found that alcohol consumption can contribute to weight gain around the belly in men.

3. Lack of Exercise

If a person consumes more calories than they burn off, they will put on weight. An inactive lifestyle makes it challenging for a person to lose fat, particularly around the abdomen.


4. Stress

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that helps the body cope with stress. When a person is in a dangerous or high-pressure situation, their body releases cortisol and this has been shown to impact their metabolism.

It is common for people to reach for food when they are stressed to feel comfort. The excess calories in the body are retained by cortisol around the belly and in other areas of the body for later usage.

5. Genetics

It has been shown that a person's genes may play a role in their obesity. Genes have been found to influence behavior, metabolism, and the risk of obesity-related diseases.

Environmental factors and behavior also play a role in the likelihood of people gaining more weight than others.

6. Poor Sleep

According to a 2013 study, weight gain is also closely related to short sleep duration, which could eventually lead to an excess of belly fat3. However, causality cannot be inferred from this study.

Sleep deprivation is linked to increased food intake, which may contribute to abdominal fat gain.

The lack of proper sleep may also contribute to unhealthy eating behaviors, such as emotional eating.

What are the treatments available for treating abdominal or belly fat?

For many years, liposuction has been a popular and top-performed cosmetic procedure. Fat can be permanently reduced and body contours are refined with this effective, and permanent surgical procedure.

However, the popularity of non-invasive alternatives to liposuction has increased in recent years. Body contouring treatments are non-invasive fat removal treatments that don't require incisions or anesthesia and are often less invasive than surgical fat removal.

Non-invasive Fat Removal Methods

Non-invasive fat removal methods usually found effective to treat abdominal fat or belly fat are:

  • SculpSure
  • Radiofrequency
  • High-Frequency Ultrasound therapy

SculpSure | WarmSculpting | Laser Lipolysis

SculpSure is a laser-based, FDA-approved non-invasive treatment that’s used to target and reduce or eliminate fat. It works for both men and women and on a variety of body types. One procedure takes an average of 25 minutes and can target multiple areas at once. By using laser heat energy, the procedure produces high temperatures to target the fat cells without causing any harm to the body. This high temperature destroys the fat cells15.

SculpSure has the added benefit of simultaneous skin tightening along with killing fat cells16. The visible results can take up to 3 months to be visible but can vary from individual to individual.


In this procedure, radio frequency is used to achieve fat loss and skin tightening. Fat tissue at different depths can be targeted by this method12. The fat cells are heated without impacting other types of cells in the skin or other structures.

At Ensoul Body Medical Clinic, radiofrequency therapy is used as a complimentary treatment to either CoolSculpting or SculpSure. In addition to facilitating the removal of damaged adipose tissue, it stimulates lymphatic drainage and helps eliminate fat cells more effectively.

High-frequency ultrasound | HIFU Therapy

In this procedure, radio frequency is used to achieve fat loss and skin tightening. Fat tissue at different depths can be targeted by this method12. The fat cells are heated without impacting other types of cells in the skin or other structures.

At Ensoul Body Medical Clinic, radiofrequency therapy is used as a complimentary treatment to either CoolSculpting or SculpSure. In addition to facilitating the removal of damaged adipose tissue, it stimulates lymphatic drainage and helps eliminate fat cells more effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I get rid of belly fat naturally?

Natural methods like exercising, and diet modulation can help lose belly fat. However, there is no way guarantee that you will only lose fat from your belly alone. Often, the fat around the belly could be extremely stubborn and resistant to any exercise and diet.

2. Why should I consider non-surgical options for belly fat removal?

Non-surgical fat removal does not only eliminate the need for downtime or complications associated with surgery but also offers more than fat reduction. Non-invasive body contouring also offers options to smooth cellulite, lighten stretch marks and tighten skin.

3. Are non-invasive fat removal treatments safe?

Almost all cosmetic procedures, nonsurgical and surgical, come with their own risks that are (albeit rare) very possible. However, non-invasive fat removal treatments are a generally a safe, reliable alternative to procedures such as liposuction with minimal to no complications in most cases. However, it is important to note that in the case of CoolSculpting, there is a rare complication known as paradoxical adipose hyperplasia. This is where fat cells in the treatment site grow larger rather than smaller13.

According to a medical journal published on the condition, PAH is said to be a rare, previously unreported side effect of cryolipolysis with an incidence of 0.0051%14.

The takeaway

Belly fat removal or abdomen fat removal involves various factors. To begin with, there can be two different types of fat contributing to belly fat. As such, natural methods may not work the same for everyone.

Although invasive procedures like liposuction can work wonders in some individuals, they come with their share of disadvantages and complications. This is where non-invasive procedures as discussed above can come in handy.