Rosacea Treatment in Singapore
Rosacea (pronounced “roh-ZAY-sha”) is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects the face and can worsen with time if left untreated. Rosacea is often mistaken for acne, eczema, or a skin allergy. It is commonly found affecting fair-skinned people or people with a family history of rosacea and those with a history of acne are also more likely to develop the condition. While there is no known cause for rosacea or a permanent cure for this condition, there are a number of ways that can be used to relieve the symptoms of the disease. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, differences between rosacea and acne, treatment options, prevention tips, and who is more likely to develop the condition.
What are the symptoms and causes of Rosacea?
Rosacea usually starts as mild redness on cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin, and can progress to bumps, pimples, and visible blood vessels. Aside from these symptoms, there can also be stinging or burning sensations, dryness, and flaking of the skin as well. In severe cases, the nose can become swollen and enlarged, causing it to become very painful, resulting in a condition called rhinophyma.
Although there is no clear cause of rosacea, it is believed that a combination of genetic factors and environmental factors are responsible for the disease. There are several triggers that can cause inflammation of the skin, such as sunlight, stress, hot or cold weather, alcohol, spicy foods, and certain medications.
Difference between Rosacea and Acne
Although rosacea and acne look similar, they are two different conditions. Acne typically develops during adolescence, while rosacea tends to affect adults over 30. The cause of acne is excess sebum production and clogged pores, while the cause of rosacea is inflammation.
Stages of Rosacea

Pre Rosacea
Rosacea may begin as a simple tendency to flush or blush easily. The facial redness occurs only a short time and disappears quickly once the triggers stops. These triggers may include a rise in local temperature, exercise, spicy diet and facial cleansing. Here, a functional change is evident in blood vessels, as they start to dilate to more stimuli, open wider than they did before, and remain open for longer periods of time.

Mild Rosacea (Vascular)
During this stage, facial blood vessels remain open longer than normal after flushing, causing facial redness to continue for an abnormal period of time. As signs and symptoms worsen, vascular rosacea may develop — small blood vessels on your nose and cheeks swell and become visible (telangiectasia). Your skin may become overly sensitive. Vascular rosacea may also be accompanied by oily skin and dandruff.

Moderate Rosacea (Inflammatory)
Commonly referred to as acne rosacea due to the acne-like breakouts of pustules (pus filled papules), inflammatory papules and red bumps. Also known as papulopustular rosacea, this condition causes facial redness, inflammation and visible spider veins.
These blemishes are painful and can develop from the center of the face to the scalp, neck and shoulders, if left untreated. It can also cause the skin to be very sensitive, swollen and stinging.
How Do You Clear up Rosacea?
Tips to Improve Rosacea Skin
To complement your rosacea treatments and improve your skin condition significantly, you may also consider the following steps to help manage your rosacea;
1) Apply sunscreen of SPF30 and higher in order to ensure you are properly covered
2) Use gentle skin care products that are alcohol-free
3) Change your dieting habits to equip with a more balanced diet and avoid spicy food
4) Apply water-based moisturisers
5) Avoid triggers such as sunlight, extreme hot or cold weather