Condition > Cellulite Reduction

Trying to get rid of lumpy and uneven skin on your tummy, thighs or buttocks? You will certainly benefit from proper cellulite removal. Before you consult Google for the most effective cellulite treatments or reduction that are available in Singapore, read on to find out more about the causation and treatment options such as cellulite laser reduction.

What is Cellulite?

The effective approach to cellulite treatment and removal, is to first understand the causal factors and the science behind them.

Cellulite takes shape when the fat cells gather and push upwards against the skin. While other connective tissues get pulled downwards. This push – and – pull process results in giving an unsightly, uneven texture to the skin surface. The stomach, hips and thighs are the most common skin areas that cellulite tends to form.

Although cellulite affects both, men and women, it is  the women who suffer more commonly due to the difference in distribution patterns of fat, muscle, and connective tissue. While in men, the fibrous septa holding the subcutaneous fat are arranged in a lattice pattern, they are shaped in a parallel pattern for women.

Difference between female and male skin which can cause cellulite

As we age, these connective tissue septa tend to lose their elasticity and grow shorter. Similarly, the subcutaneous fat begins to accumulate and the skin becomes thinner as we lose collagen. As a result, the fat bulges through to create unsightly nodules on the skin surface. Circulatory insufficiency and inadequate lymphatic drainage are other reasons for the formation of cellulite.

It is a common misconception that cellulite will disappear with weight loss. Unfortunately, that is not necessarily the case always. Cellulite is located in the upper levels of the skin. Therefore, when fatty tissue and volume are reduced, cellulite does not always disappear. Cellulite condition is difficult to treat. This is because there isn’t any one single cellulite treatment modality in the market that can effectively remove all the orange peels. But by using an appropriate combination of medical grade technologies, cellulite deposits can be visibly reduced.

What Causes Cellulite?
Dr Kenneth Thean

Types of Cellulite

There are three grades of cellulite;

photo of a women with a cellulite grade 1 issue
Grade I

The skin becomes pale and when pinched, acquires a sagging tone with an “orange-peel” appearance.

photo of a women with a cellulite grade 2 issue
Grade II

Visible lumps and bumps are evident while standing up but disappear when lying down horizontally.

photo of a women with a cellulite grade 3 issue
Grade III

The skin exhibits an unmistakably dimpled and wavy appearance, also commonly known as the “mattress” skin tone.

Cellulite Treatment: Deep Heat Therapy

Unsightly cellulite nodules (also known as “orange peel skin”) can easily be eliminated with our Cellulite Deep Heat Treatment. This completely safe treatment plan comprises a combination of treatment modalities. These include laser thermal, microwaves and high energy shockwaves to produce fast and visible results.

Each of these treatments targets the three major areas:

  • Fibrous Tissue Septa
  • Subcutaneous Fat
  • Skin Quality

The treatment utilizes high energy to stimulate collagen production, boost blood circulation and break down subcutaneous fat in affected areas – without causing damage to the surrounding tissues. It not only reduces the cellulite, but also helps to firm and smoothen the skin.

photo of a person going through sculpsure session for cellulite treament and removal

How Does The Cellulite Treatment Work?

This non-surgical procedure is a completely safe treatment with effective and enduring results.

For patients with Grade 3 Cellulite, we recommend the laser thermolysis machine. As it is effective for the fibrous septa and permanent fat reduction as it is capable of generating temperatures up to 47°C to permanently destroy fat cells, and complemented with a microwave machine enabling deeper penetration.. The heat therapy helps stimulate fibroblast to grow more collagen and elastin, making the skin firmer and tauter. As an adjunct treatment, we also use a high-energy radial shockwave that consists of 2 components – a positive pressure pulse and a comparatively smaller tensile wave component.

The shockwave squeezes the surrounding tissue and breaks the grid structure of the molecules. At the same time, the tensile wave deflates gas bubbles within the fat structures (cavitation) – which then re-expand after the high-energy radial shockwave hits them, resulting in a destabilization of fat structures. Visible results can be seen and felt within a few treatments. Your skin will feel much firmer, smoother and healthier. Cellulite and stretch marks will be noticeably reduced or even eliminated.

sculpsure process to reduce fat cells for cellulite reduction